For purposes of this part:
(a) Agency includes the Commodity Futures Trading Commission;
(b) Commission means the Commodity Futures Trading Commission;
(c) Commissioner means a member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission duly appointed as a Commissioner in accordance with section 2(a)(2) of the Commodity Exchange Act, as amended, 7 U.S.C. 4a(a);
(d) Meeting means the deliberations of a quorum of Commissioners that determine or result in the joint conduct or disposition of official Commission business, but does not include deliberations required or permitted by § 147.4, § 147.5 or § 147.6;
(e) Person includes an individual, partnership, corporation, association, exchange or other entity or organization;
(f) Quorum means at least the minimum number of Commissioners required to take action on behalf of the Commission;
(g) The term FOI, Privacy and Sunshine Acts compliance staff refers to the staff in the Office of the Secretariat in the Commission's principal office in Washington, DC who are assigned to respond to requests and handle various other matters under the Freedom of Information Act, the Privacy Act of 1974 and the Government in the Sunshine Act.
[42 FR 13704, Mar. 11, 1977, as amended at 45 FR 26955, Apr. 22, 1980]