Commencement of CVE Protests.

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§ 134.1004 Commencement of CVE Protests.

(a) Timeliness.

(1) The Secretary of the VA, or his/her designee, may file a CVE Protest at any time.

(2) Where the CVE Protest is in connection with a VA procurement:

(i) An offeror must file a CVE Protest within five business days of notification of the apparent awardee's identity.

(ii) A contracting officer may file a CVE Protest at any time during the life of the VA contract.

(3) The rule for counting days is in § 134.202(d).

(4) An untimely protest will be dismissed.

(b) Filing -

(1) Private parties. Interested parties, other than the contracting officer or Secretary of the VA or his/her designee, must deliver their CVE Protests in person, by email, by facsimile, by express delivery service, or by U.S. mail (postmarked within the applicable time period) to the contracting officer.

(2) Referral to OHA. The contracting officer must forward to OHA any non-premature CVE Protest received, notwithstanding whether he/she believes it is sufficiently specific or timely. The contracting officer must send all CVE Protests, along with a referral letter, directly to OHA, addressed to Office of Hearings and Appeals, U.S. Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street SW, Washington, DC 20416, by email at , or by facsimile to (202) 205-7059, marked Attn: CVE Protest. The referral letter must include information pertaining to the solicitation that may be necessary for OHA to determine timeliness and standing, including:

(i) The solicitation number;

(ii) The name, address, telephone number, email address, and facsimile number of the contracting officer;

(iii) Whether the contract was sole source or set-aside;

(iv) Whether the protester submitted an offer;

(v) Whether the protested concern was the apparent successful offeror;

(vi) Whether the procurement was conducted using sealed bid or negotiated procedures;

(vii) The bid opening date, if applicable;

(viii) When the protest was submitted to the contracting officer;

(ix) When the protester received notification about the apparent successful offeror, if applicable; and

(x) Whether a contract has been awarded.

(3) Protests filed by Secretary of the VA. The Secretary of VA or his/her designee must submit his/her CVE Protest directly to OHA in accordance with the procedures in § 134.204.

(4) Protests filed by a contracting officer. The contracting officer must submit his/her CVE Protest directly to OHA in accordance with the procedures in § 134.204. The protest should include in the referral letter the information set forth in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.

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