(a) General. A recipient organization will incorporate into its WBC the applicable provisions of the cooperative agreement.
(b) Goals and milestones.
(1) OWBO will work in conjunction with WBC participants to establish program goals for the cooperative agreement annually. Agency loan goals may not be negotiated or incorporated into the cooperative agreement without the prior written approval of the AA/OWBO.
(2) Failing to meet the goals and milestones of the cooperative agreement may result in suspension, termination, or non-renewal in accordance with § 131.830.
(c) Procurement policies and procedures.
(1) The WBC may contract out for certain functions as permitted by the terms and conditions of the cooperative agreement but may not expend more than 49 percent of the total project funds on contractors and consultants.
(2) The SBA may direct or otherwise approve any obligations or expenditures by recipient organizations, including those related to vendors or contractors, as deemed appropriate by the Agency.