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§ 131.110 Definitions.

Advisory board. A group established to confer with and provide recommendations to the WBC Program Director on matters pertaining to the operation of the WBC. The advisory board will also act as a catalyst to raise funds for the WBC.

Applicant organization. An entity that applies for Federal financial assistance to establish, administer, and operate a WBC under a new or renewed cooperative agreement.

Application (also known as the proposal). The written submission by a new applicant organization or an existing recipient organization describing its projected WBC activities for the upcoming budget period and requesting SBA funding for use in its operations.

Annual work plan. See option year work plan and budget.

Area of service. The State or U.S. Territory, or a regional portion of a State or U.S. Territory, in which the SBA approves a WBC to provide services.

Assistant Administrator of the Office of Women's Business Ownership. (AA/OWBO). The AA/OWBO is statutorily responsible for management of the WBC program. The AA/OWBO may elect to designate staff to complete tasks assigned to the AA/OWBO position. When AA/OWBO is referenced, it includes the designee.

Associate Administrator for the Office of Entrepreneurial Development. (AA/OED). The AA/OED is responsible for enhancing the nationwide network of offices, business executives, and mentors that support current and aspiring business owners as they start, grow, and expand in today's global market. This nationwide network includes the following Resource Partners: Women's Business Centers (WBCs), Small Business Development Centers (SBDCs), and SCORE.

Authorized official. A person who has the legal authority to sign for and/or speak on behalf of an organization.

Budget period. The period of performance in which expenditures and obligations are incurred by a WBC, consistent with 2 CFR 200.77.

Carryover funds (carryover). Unobligated Federal funds reallocated from one budget period to the next through an amendment to the current year's cooperative agreement.

Cash match. Non-Federal funds specifically budgeted and expended by the recipient organization for the operation of a WBC project. Cash match must be in the form of cash and/or program income.

Client. An entrepreneur or existing small business seeking services provided by a WBC.

Client record. A record that provides individual client contact information, client/business demographics, and documentation of the services provided. Additionally, the record provides aggregate data about a training event, including topic, date, attendance, format, and evaluation.

Cognizant agency for audit. The Federal agency designated to carry out the responsibilities as described in 2 CFR 200.513(a).

Cognizant agency for indirect costs. The Federal agency responsible for reviewing, negotiating, and approving cost allocation plans or indirect cost proposals developed under 2 CFR 200.19.

Conditional approval. An approval granted when an application has been determined to meet eligibility requirements and has been recommended for funding, but requiring special conditions, such as submitting certifications, assurances, or other documentation.

Cooperative agreement (also known as notice of award). A legal instrument of financial assistance between the SBA and a recipient organization that is consistent with 31 U.S.C. 6302-6305 and provides for substantial involvement between the SBA and the recipient organization in carrying out the proposed activities.

Counseling. Services provided to an individual and/or small business owner that are substantive in nature, require assistance from a resource partner or SBA district office personnel regarding the formation, management, financing, and/or operation of a small business enterprise, and are specific to the needs of the business or individual.

Direct costs. Costs as defined in 2 CFR 200.413.

Dispute. A programmatic or financial disagreement that the recipient organization requests be handled according to the dispute resolution procedures under § 131.840.

Distinct population. A specific targeted group. For the purpose of the WBC program, the targeted group is women entrepreneurs.

District office. The local SBA office charged, in collaboration with the WBCs, with meeting the needs of women entrepreneurs in the community.

Financial examiner. An SBA employee, or designee, charged with conducting financial examinations.

Full-time. An employee all of whose time and effort (minimum of 30 hours per week, as defined by the Internal Revenue Service, § 4980H(c)(4)) is allocated to the WBC project. An employee who is full-time under the WBC should not engage in activities that do not pertain to the WBC project.

Grants and Cooperative Agreement Appeals Committee. The SBA committee, appointed by the SBA Administrator, to resolve appeals arising from disputes between a recipient organization and the SBA.

Grants Management Officer. An SBA employee who meets the Office of Management and Budget standards and certifications to obligate Federal funds by signing a notice of award.

Grants management specialist. An SBA employee responsible for the budgetary review and financial oversight of WBC agreements.

Indirect costs. Costs as defined in 2 CFR 200.56.

In-kind contributions (third party). Costs incurred as described in 2 CFR 200.96.

Interim Program Director. An individual temporarily assigned by the recipient organization to fulfill the responsibilities of a vacant WBC Program Director position for no more than 90 days.

Key personnel/key employee. For the purposes of the WBC program, the WBC Program Director is identified as the key employee.

Loan packaging. Includes any activity done in support of a client or in preparation of the client's credit application to a lender for a loan, line of credit, or other financial instrument.

Matching funds. For all Federal awards, any shared costs or matching funds and all contributions, as defined in 2 CFR 200.306.

Microloan. A loan as specified in 13 CFR 120.701.

Non-Federal entity. An organization as defined in 2 CFR 200.69.

Nonprofit organization. Any corporation, trust, association, cooperative, or other organization as defined in 2 CFR 200.70.

Notice of award (NOA). See cooperative agreement.

Office of Women's Business Ownership Program Analyst. An SBA employee designated by the AA/OWBO who oversees and monitors WBC operations.

Option year. Additional 12-month budget period awarded after the first budget year (base year) as determined by the period of performance identified in the cooperative agreement.

Option year work plan and budget. The written submission by an existing WBC applying for an additional year of grant funding. This submission is required to ensure the recipient organization's continued alignment with the WBC program and to update its description of projected WBC activities for the upcoming option year budget period.

Overmatch. Any non-Federal contribution applied to the WBC award in excess of the minimum amount of match required. See § 131.530 for specific details on match requirements.

Period of performance. The period of time as specified in 2 CFR 200.77.

Principal investigator. The individual primarily responsible for achieving the technical success of a project, while also complying with the financial and administrative policies and regulations associated with the grant.

Prior approval. The written concurrence from the appropriate Office of Women's Business Ownership official for a proposed action or amendment to a WBC cooperative agreement. Specific guidelines governing the prior approval process, including the documentation required, are outlined in the cooperative agreement.

Program announcement. The SBA's annual publication of requirements, to which an applicant organization must respond in its five-year initial or three-year renewal application.

Program income. Gross income earned by a non-Federal entity, as described in 2 CFR 200.80.

Project funds. All funds authorized under the cooperative agreement including Federal funds, non-Federal cash, in-kind contributions (third party), and program income, as well as any Federal funds and/or non-Federal match authorized or reported as carryover funds.

Project period. The period of time specified in the notice of award, which identifies the start and end date of a recipient organization's five-year or three-year project.

Recipient organization. An applicant organization selected to receive Federal funding to deliver WBC services under a cooperative agreement. By statute, only private, nonprofit organizations certified under § 501(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 can be recipient organizations.

Socially and economically disadvantaged women. As defined by 13 CFR 124.103 and 124.104, respectively.

Specialized services. WBC services other than basic counseling and training. The services can include, but are not limited to, assistance with disaster readiness; assistance to home-based businesses; assistance to agribusinesses; and assistance to construction, childcare, elder care, manufacturing or procurement businesses.

State or U.S. Territory. For the purpose of these regulations, the 50 United States, and the U.S. Territories of Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Northern Mariana Islands, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia.

Training. A qualified activity or event, presented or cosponsored by a WBC, that delivers a structured program of knowledge, information, or experience on an entrepreneurial or business-related subject.

WBC Program Director. An individual whose time and effort is allocated solely to the WBC program. The WBC Program Director position is the only position that requires approval from the Office of Women's Business Ownership prior to hiring.

Women's Business Centers (WBCs). WBCs represent a national network of educational centers throughout the United States and its territories that assist women in starting and growing small businesses.

Women-owned businesses. A business concern that is not less than 51 percent owned by one or more women; additionally, its management and daily operations are controlled by one or more women.

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