(a) A firm which applies for a COC must file an “Application for Small Business Size Determination” (SBA Form 355). If the initial review of SBA Form 355 indicates the applicant, including its affiliates, is small for purposes of the COC program, SBA will process the application for COC. If the review indicates the applicant, including its affiliates is other than small SBA will initiate a formal size determination as set forth in § 121.1001(b)(3)(ii). In such a case, SBA will not further process the COC application until a formal size determination is made.
(b) A concern is ineligible for a COC if a formal SBA size determination finds the concern other than small.
[61 FR 3286, Jan. 31, 1996, as amended at 81 FR 34259, May 31, 2016]