(a) In general. The rules in this subpart apply to all sections in this part unless otherwise stated.
(b) Exceptions. The OCC may adopt materially different procedures for a particular filing, or class of filings as it deems necessary, for example, in exceptional circumstances or for unusual transactions, after providing notice of the change to the filer and to any other party that the OCC determines should receive notice.
(c) Comptroller's Licensing Manual. The “Comptroller's Licensing Manual” provides additional filing guidance, including policies and procedures. This Manual and sample forms are available at www.occ.gov.
(d) Electronic filing. The OCC encourages electronic filing for all filings. The Comptroller's Licensing Manual describes the OCC's electronic filing procedures.
[80 FR 28414, May 18, 2015, as amended at 85 FR 80434, Dec. 11, 2020]