Appeals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

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§ 268.401 Appeals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.

(a) A complainant may appeal the Board's final action or dismissal of a complaint.

(b) The Board may appeal as provided in § 268.109(a).

(c) A class agent or the Board may appeal an administrative judge's decision accepting or dismissing all or part of a class complaint; a class agent may appeal the Board's final action or the Board may appeal an administrative judge's decision on a class complaint; a class member may appeal a final decision on a claim for individual relief under a class complaint; and a class member, a class agent or the Board may appeal a final decision on a petition pursuant to § 268.204(g)(4).

(d) A complainant, agent of the class or individual class claimant may appeal to the Commission the Board's alleged noncompliance with a settlement agreement or final decision in accordance with § 268.504.

[68 FR 18085, Apr. 15, 2003, as amended at 84 FR 27034, June 11, 2019]

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