Responses to application.

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§ 263.108 Responses to application.

(a) By counsel for the Board.

(1) Within 20 days after service of an application, counsel for the Board may file an answer to the application.

(2) The answer shall explain in detail any objections to the award requested and identify the facts relied on in support of the Board's position. If the answer is based on any alleged facts not already in the record of the proceeding, the answer shall include either supporting affidavits or a request for further proceedings under § 263.109, or both.

(b) Reply to answer. The applicant may file a reply only if the Board has addressed in its answer any of the following issues: that the position of the agency was substantially justified, that the applicant unduly protracted the proceedings, or that special circumstances make an award unjust. Any reply authorized by this section shall be filed within 15 days of service of the answer. If the reply is based on any alleged facts not already in the record of the proceeding, the reply shall include either supporting affidavits or a request for further proceedings under § 263.109, or both.

(c) Additional response. Additional filings in the nature of pleadings may be submitted only by leave of the administrative law judge.

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