Use of supervisory guidance.

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§ 262.7 Use of supervisory guidance.

(a) Purpose. The Board issues regulations and guidance as part of its supervisory function. This section reiterates the distinctions between regulations and guidance, as stated in the Statement Clarifying the Role of Supervisory Guidance (appendix A to this part) (Statement).

(b) Implementation of the Statement Clarifying the Role of Supervisory Guidance. The Statement describes the official policy of the Board with respect to the use of supervisory guidance in the supervisory process. The Statement is binding on the Board.

(c) Rule of construction. This section does not alter the legal status of guidelines authorized by statute, including but not limited to, 12 U.S.C. 1831p-1, to create binding legal obligations.

[86 FR 18179, Apr. 8, 2021]

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