Procedure for regulations.

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§ 262.2 Procedure for regulations.

(a) Notice. Notices of proposed regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (the “Board”) or amendments thereto are published in the Federal Register, except as specified in paragraph (e) of this section or otherwise excepted by law. Such notices include a statement of the terms of the proposed regulations or amendments and a description of the subjects and issues involved; but the giving of such notices does not necessarily indicate the Board's final approval of any feature of any such proposal. The notices also include a reference to the authority for the proposed regulations or amendments and a statement of the time, place, and nature of public participation.

(b) Public participation. The usual method of public submission of data, views, or arguments is in writing. It is ordinarily preferable that they be sent to the Secretary of the Board, Washington, DC 20551, with copies to the appropriate Federal Reserve Bank. The locations of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks and the boundaries of the Federal Reserve districts are shown in the appendix to the Board's rules of organization. Such material will be made available for inspection and copying upon request, except as provided in § 261.6(b) of this chapter regarding availability of information.

(c) Preparation of draft and action by Board. In the light of consideration of all relevant matter presented or ascertained, the appropriate division of the Board's staff, in collaboration with other divisions, prepares drafts of proposed regulations or amendments, and the staff submits them to the Board. The Board takes such action as it deems appropriate in the public interest. Any other documents that may be necessary to carry out any decision by the Board in the matter are usually prepared by the Legal Division, in collaboration with the other divisions of the staff.

(d) Effective dates. Any substantive regulation or amendment thereto issued by the Board is published not less than 30 days prior to the effective date thereof, except as specified in paragraph (e) of this section or as otherwise excepted by law.

(e) Exceptions as to notice or effective date. In certain situations, notice and public participation with respect to proposed regulations may be impracticable, unnecessary, contrary to the public interest, or otherwise not required in the public interest, or there may be reason and good cause in the public interest why the effective date should not be deferred for 30 days. The reason or reasons in such cases usually are that such notice, public participation, or deferment of effective date would prevent the action from becoming effective as promptly as necessary in the public interest, would permit speculators or others to reap unfair profits or to interfere with the Board's actions taken with a view to accommodating commerce and business and with regard to their bearing upon the general credit situation of the country, would provoke other consequences contrary to the public interest, would unreasonably interfere with the Board's necessary functions with respect to management or personnel, would not aid the persons affected, or would otherwise serve no useful purpose. The following may be mentioned as some examples of situations in which advance notice or deferred effective date, or both, will ordinarily be omitted in the public interest: The review and determination of discount rates established by Federal Reserve Banks, and changes in general requirements regarding reserves of member banks, maximum interest rates on time and savings deposits, or credit for purchasing or carrying securities.

[38 FR 6807, Mar. 13, 1973, as amended at 54 FR 33183, Aug. 14, 1989]

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