Notice of assessment and appeal.

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§ 246.5 Notice of assessment and appeal.

(a) Notice of Assessment. The Board shall issue a notice of assessment to each assessed company no later than June 30 of each calendar year following the assessment period, provided, however, that for the 2012 assessment period, the Board shall issue a notice of assessment as soon as reasonably practical after publication of the final rule in the Federal Register.

(b) Appeal period.

(1) Each assessed company will have thirty calendar days from June 30, or, for the 2012 assessment period, thirty calendar days from the Board's issuance of a notice of assessment for that assessment period, to submit a written statement to appeal the Board's determination:

(i) That the company is an assessed company; or

(ii) Of the company's total assessable assets.

(2) The Board will respond with the results of its consideration to an assessed company that has submitted a written appeal within 15 calendar days from the end of the appeal period in paragraph (b)(1) of this section.

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