(a) Biennial filers -
(1) Group members. Biennial filer means:
(i) Any global systemically important BHC; and
(ii) Any nonbank financial company supervised by the Board that has not been jointly designated a triennial full filer by the Board and Corporation under paragraph (a)(2) of this section or that has been jointly re-designated a biennial filer by the Board and the Corporation under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) Nonbank financial companies. The Board and the Corporation may jointly designate a nonbank financial company supervised by the Board as a triennial full filer in their discretion, taking into account facts and circumstances that each of the Board and the Corporation in its discretion determines to be relevant. The Board and the Corporation may in their discretion jointly re-designate as a biennial filer a nonbank financial company that the Board and the Corporation had previously designated as a triennial filer, taking into account facts and circumstances that each of the Board and the Corporation in its discretion determines to be relevant.
(3) Frequency of submission. Biennial filers shall each submit a resolution plan to the Board and the Corporation every two years.
(4) Submission date. Biennial filers shall submit their resolution plans on or before July 1 of each year in which a resolution plan is due.
(5) Type of resolution plan required to be submitted. Biennial filers shall alternate submitting a full resolution plan and a targeted resolution plan.
(6) New covered companies that are biennial filers. A company that becomes a covered company and a biennial filer after [effective date of final rule] shall submit a full resolution plan on or before the next date by which the other biennial filers are required to submit resolution plans pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) of this section that occurs no earlier than 12 months after the date as of which the company became a covered company. The company's subsequent resolution plans shall be of the type required to be submitted by the other biennial filers.
(b) Triennial full filers -
(1) Group members. Triennial full filer means:
(i) Any category II banking organization;
(ii) Any category III banking organization; and
(iii) Any nonbank financial company supervised by the Board that is jointly designated a triennial full filer by the Board and Corporation under paragraph (a)(2) of this section.
(2) Frequency of submission. Triennial full filers shall each submit a resolution plan to the Board and the Corporation every three years.
(3) Submission date. Triennial full filers shall submit their resolution plans on or before July 1 of each year in which a resolution plan is due.
(4) Type of resolution plan required to be submitted. Triennial full filers shall alternate submitting a full resolution plan and a targeted resolution plan.
(5) New covered companies that are triennial full filers. A company that becomes a covered company and a triennial full filer after [effective date of final rule] shall submit a full resolution plan on or before the next date by which the other triennial full filers are required to submit resolution plans pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this section that occurs no earlier than 12 months after the date as of which the company became a covered company. The company's subsequent resolution plans shall be of the type required to be submitted by the other triennial full filers.
(c) Triennial reduced filers -
(1) Group members. Triennial reduced filer means any covered company that is not a global systemically important BHC, nonbank financial company supervised by the Board, category II banking organization, or category III banking organization.
(2) Frequency of submission. Triennial reduced filers shall each submit a resolution plan to the Board and the Corporation every three years.
(3) Submission date. Triennial reduced filers shall submit their resolution plans on or before July 1 of each year in which a resolution plan is due.
(4) Type of resolution plan required to be submitted. Triennial reduced filers shall submit a reduced resolution plan.
(5) New covered companies that are triennial reduced filers. A company that becomes a covered company and a triennial reduced filer after December 31, 2019 shall submit a full resolution plan on or before the next date by which the other triennial reduced filers are required to submit resolution plans pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this section that occurs no earlier than 12 months after the date as of which the company became a covered company. The company's subsequent resolution plans shall be reduced resolution plans.
(d) General -
(1) Changing filing groups. If a covered company that is a member of a filing group specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section (“original group filer”) becomes a member of a different filing group specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section (“new group filer”), then the covered company shall submit its next resolution plan as follows:
(i) If the next date by which the original group filers are required to submit their next resolution plans is the same date by which the other new group filers are required to submit their next resolution plans and:
(A) That date is less than 12 months after the date as of which the covered company became a new group filer, the covered company shall submit its next resolution plan on or before that date. The resolution plan may be the type of resolution plan that the original group filers are required to submit on or before that date or the type of resolution plan that the other new group filers are required to submit on or before that date.
(B) That date is 12 months or more after the date as of which the covered company became a new group filer, the covered company shall submit on or before that date the type of resolution plan the other new group filers are required to submit on or before that date.
(ii) If the next date by which the original group filers are required to submit their next resolution plans is different from the date by which the new group filers are required to submit their next resolution plans, the covered company shall submit its next resolution plan on or before the next date by which the other new group filers are required to submit a resolution plan that occurs no earlier than 12 months after the date as of which the covered company became a new group filer. The covered company shall submit the type of resolution plan that the other new group filers are required to submit on or before the date the covered company is required to submit its next resolution plan.
(iii) Notwithstanding paragraph (d)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section, any triennial reduced filer that becomes a biennial filer or a triennial full filer shall submit a full resolution plan on or before the next date by which the other new group filers are required to submit their next resolution plans that occurs no earlier than 12 months after the date as of which the covered company became a new group filer. After submitting a full resolution plan, the covered company shall submit, on or before the next date that the other new group filers are required to submit their next resolution plans, the type of resolution plan the other new group filers are required to submit on or before that date.
(2) Altering submission dates. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this part, the Board and Corporation may jointly determine that a covered company shall submit its resolution plan on or before a date other than as provided in paragraphs (a) through (c) or paragraph (d)(1) of this section. The Board and the Corporation shall provide a covered company with written notice of a determination under this paragraph (d)(2) no later than 12 months before the date by which the covered company is required to submit the resolution plan.
(3) Authority to require interim updates. The Board and the Corporation may jointly require that a covered company submit an update to a resolution plan submitted under this part, within a reasonable amount of time, as jointly determined by the Board and Corporation. The Board and the Corporation shall notify the covered company of its requirement to submit an update under this paragraph (d)(3) in writing, and shall specify the portions or aspects of the resolution plan the covered company shall update.
(4) Notice of extraordinary events -
(i) In general. Each covered company shall provide the Board and the Corporation with a notice no later than 45 days after any material merger, acquisition of assets, or similar transaction or fundamental change to the covered company's resolution strategy. Such notice must describe the event and explain how the event affects the resolvability of the covered company. The covered company shall address any event with respect to which it has provided notice pursuant to this paragraph (d)(4)(i) in the following resolution plan submitted by the covered company.
(ii) Exception. A covered company shall not be required to submit a notice under paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section if the date by which the covered company would be required to submit the notice under paragraph (d)(4)(i) of this section would be within 90 days before the date by which the covered company is required to submit a resolution plan under this section.
(5) Authority to require a full resolution plan submission. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this part, the Board and Corporation may jointly require a covered company to submit a full resolution plan instead of a targeted resolution plan or a reduced resolution plan that the covered company is otherwise required to submit under this section. The Board and the Corporation shall provide a covered company with written notice of a determination under this paragraph (d)(5) no later than 12 months before the date by which the covered company is required to submit the full resolution plan. The date on or before which a full resolution plan must be submitted under this paragraph (d)(5) will be the date by which the covered company would otherwise be required to submit its upcoming targeted resolution plan or reduced resolution plan under paragraphs (a) through (c), or (d)(1) or (2) of this section. The requirement to submit a full resolution plan under this paragraph (d)(5) does not alter the type of resolution plan the covered company will subsequently be required to submit under this section.
(6) Waivers -
(i) Authority to waive requirements. The Board and the Corporation may jointly waive one or more of the resolution plan requirements of § 243.5, § 243.6, or § 243.7 for one or more covered companies for any number of resolution plan submissions. A request pursuant to paragraph (d)(6)(ii) of this section is not required for the Board and Corporation to exercise their authority under this paragraph (d)(6)(i).
(ii) Waiver requests by covered companies. In connection with the submission of a full resolution plan, a triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer that has previously submitted a resolution plan under this part may request a waiver of one or more of the informational content requirements of § 243.5 in accordance with this paragraph (d)(6)(ii).
(A) A requirement to include any of the following information is not eligible for a waiver at the request of a triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer:
(1) Information specified in section 165(d)(1)(A) through (C) of the Dodd-Frank Act (12 U.S.C. 5365(d)(1)(A) through (C));
(2) Any core element;
(3) Information required to be included in the public section of a full resolution plan under § 243.11(c)(2);
(4) Information about the remediation of any previously identified deficiency or shortcoming unless the Board and the Corporation have jointly determined that the triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer has satisfactorily remedied the deficiency or addressed the shortcoming before its submission of the waiver request; or
(5) Information about changes to the triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer's last submitted resolution plan resulting from any:
(i) Change in law or regulation;
(ii) Guidance or feedback from the Board and the Corporation; or
(iii) Any material change experienced by the triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer since it submitted that resolution plan.
(B) Each waiver request shall be divided into a public section and a confidential section. A triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer shall segregate and separately identify the public section from the confidential section.
(1) The triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer shall include in the confidential section of a waiver request a clear and complete explanation of why:
(i) Each requirement sought to be waived is not a requirement described in paragraph (d)(6)(ii)(A) of this section;
(ii) The information sought to be waived would not be relevant to the Board's and Corporation's review of the triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer's next full resolution plan; and
(iii) A waiver of each requirement would be appropriate.
(2) The triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer shall include in the public section of a waiver request a list of the requirements that it is requesting be waived.
(C) A triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer may not make more than one waiver request for any full resolution plan submission and any waiver request must be made in writing no later than 18 months before the date by which the triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer is required to submit the full resolution plan.
(D) The Board and Corporation may jointly approve or deny a waiver request, in whole or in part, in their discretion. Unless the Board and the Corporation have jointly approved a waiver request, the waiver request will be deemed denied on the date that is 12 months before the date by which the triennial full filer or triennial reduced filer is required to submit the full resolution plan to which the waiver request relates.
(E) An approved waiver request under this paragraph (d)(6)(ii) is effective for only the full resolution plan that immediately follows submission of the waiver request.
(e) Access to information. In order to allow evaluation of a resolution plan, each covered company must provide the Board and the Corporation such information and access to personnel of the covered company as the Board and the Corporation jointly determine during the period for reviewing the resolution plan is necessary to assess the credibility of the resolution plan and the ability of the covered company to implement the resolution plan. In order to facilitate review of any waiver request by a covered company under § 243.3(a)(2) or paragraph (d)(6)(ii) of this section, or any joint identification of a critical operation of a covered company under § 243.3(b), each covered company must provide such information and access to personnel of the covered company as the Board and the Corporation jointly determine is necessary to evaluate the waiver request or whether the operation is a critical operation. The Board and the Corporation will rely to the fullest extent possible on examinations conducted by or on behalf of the appropriate Federal banking agency for the relevant company.
(f) Board of directors approval of resolution plan. Before submission of a resolution plan under paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section, the resolution plan of a covered company shall be approved by:
(1) The board of directors of the covered company and noted in the minutes; or
(2) In the case of a foreign-based covered company only, a delegee acting under the express authority of the board of directors of the covered company to approve the resolution plan.
(g) Resolution plans provided to the Council. The Board shall make the resolution plans and updates submitted by the covered company pursuant to this section available to the Council upon request.
(h) Required and prohibited assumptions. In preparing its resolution plan, a covered company shall:
(1) Take into account that the material financial distress or failure of the covered company may occur under the severely adverse economic conditions provided to the covered company by the Board pursuant to 12 U.S.C. 5365(i)(1)(B);
(2) Not rely on the provision of extraordinary support by the United States or any other government to the covered company or its subsidiaries to prevent the failure of the covered company, including any resolution actions taken outside the United States that would eliminate the need for any of a covered company's U.S. subsidiaries to enter into resolution proceedings; and
(3) With respect to foreign banking organizations, not assume that the covered company takes resolution actions outside of the United States that would eliminate the need for any U.S. subsidiaries to enter into resolution proceedings.
(i) Point of contact. Each covered company shall identify a senior management official at the covered company responsible for serving as a point of contact regarding the resolution plan of the covered company.
(j) Incorporation of previously submitted resolution plan information by reference. Any resolution plan submitted by a covered company may incorporate by reference information from a resolution plan previously submitted by the covered company to the Board and the Corporation, provided that:
(1) The resolution plan seeking to incorporate information by reference clearly indicates:
(i) The information the covered company is incorporating by reference; and
(ii) Which of the covered company's previously submitted resolution plan(s) originally contained the information the covered company is incorporating by reference and the specific location of the information in the covered company's previously submitted resolution plan; and
(2) The covered company certifies that the information the covered company is incorporating by reference remains accurate in all respects that are material to the covered company's resolution plan.
(k) Initial resolution plans after effective date.
(1) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in paragraphs (a) through (c) or (d)(1) of this section, each company that is a covered company as of December 31, 2019 is required to submit its initial resolution plan after December 31, 2019, as provided in this paragraph (k). The submission date and resolution plan type for each subsequent resolution plan will be determined pursuant to paragraphs (a) through (d) of this section.
(i) Biennial filers. Each covered company that is a biennial filer on October 1, 2020 and remains a biennial filer as of July 1, 2021, is required to submit a targeted resolution plan pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) of this section on or before July 1, 2021.
(ii) Triennial full filers. Each covered company that is a triennial full filer on October 1, 2020 and remains a triennial full filer as of July 1, 2021 is required to submit a targeted resolution plan pursuant to paragraph (b)(3) of this section on or before July 1, 2021.
(iii) Triennial reduced filers. Each covered company that is a triennial reduced filer on October 1, 2020 and remains a triennial reduced filer as of July 1, 2022 is required to submit a reduced resolution plan pursuant to paragraph (c)(3) of this section on or before July 1, 2022.
(2) With respect to any company that is a covered company as of December 31, 2019, and changes filings groups specified in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this section after October 1, 2020 and before the date by which it would be required to submit a resolution plan under paragraph (k)(1) of this section, the requirements for its initial resolution plan after it changes filing groups will be determined pursuant to paragraph (d)(1) of this section.
(3) Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this paragraph (k), a covered company that has been jointly directed by the Board and the Corporation before December 31, 2019, to submit a resolution plan on or before July 1, 2020 describing changes it has made to its most recent resolution plan submission to address each shortcoming the agencies identified in that resolution plan shall submit a responsive resolution plan on or before July 1, 2020 in addition to any resolution plan that such covered company is otherwise required to submit under this section. The requirement to submit such a resolution plan on or before July 1, 2020 does not alter the timing or type of resolution plan any such covered company is required to submit under this section after July 1, 2020.