Completion of the offering.

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§ 239.60 Completion of the offering.

(a) Deadline for completing the sale of stock. The mutual holding company must complete all sales of the stock within 45 calendar days after the last day of the subscription period, unless the offering is extended under paragraph (b) of this section.

(b) Offering period extension.

(1) The mutual holding company must request, in writing, an extension of any offering period.

(2) The Board may grant extensions of time to sell the shares. The Board will not grant any single extension of more than 90 days.

(3) If the Board grants the request for an extension of time, the mutual holding company must provide a post-effective amendment to the offering circular under § 239.58(c) to each person who subscribed for or ordered stock. The amendment must indicate that the Board extended the offering period and that each person who subscribed for or ordered stock may increase, decrease, or rescind their subscription or order within the time remaining in the extension period.

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