What transactions with affiliates or others must comply with section 23B's market terms requirement?

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§ 223.52 What transactions with affiliates or others must comply with section 23B's market terms requirement?

(a) The market terms requirement of § 223.51 applies to the following transactions:

(1) Any covered transaction with an affiliate, unless the transaction is exempt under paragraphs (a) through (c) of § 223.41 or paragraphs (a) through (e) or (h) through (j) of § 223.42;

(2) The sale of a security or other asset to an affiliate, including an asset subject to an agreement to repurchase;

(3) The payment of money or the furnishing of a service to an affiliate under contract, lease, or otherwise;

(4) Any transaction in which an affiliate acts as an agent or broker or receives a fee for its services to the member bank or to any other person; and

(5) Any transaction or series of transactions with a nonaffiliate, if an affiliate:

(i) Has a financial interest in the nonaffiliate; or

(ii) Is a participant in the transaction or series of transactions.

(b) For the purpose of this section, any transaction by a member bank with any person will be deemed to be a transaction with an affiliate of the member bank if any of the proceeds of the transaction are used for the benefit of, or transferred to, the affiliate.

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