OMB control numbers assigned under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

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§ 1200.4 OMB control numbers assigned under the Paperwork Reduction Act.

(a) Under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501-3531) and the implementing regulations of the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) (5 CFR part 1320), an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.

(b) OMB has approved the collections of information contained in FHFA's regulations and has assigned each collection a control number. The following table displays the sections of FHFA's regulations (both those located in this chapter and those promulgated by the former Federal Housing Finance Board that appear in chapter IX of this title) containing collections of information, along with the applicable OMB control numbers and the expirations dates for those control numbers:

Expand Table
12 CFR part or section where identified and described OMB
control No.
1222.22 2590-0013 07/31/2018
1222.23 2590-0013 07/31/2018
1222.24 2590-0013 07/31/2018
1222.25 2590-0013 07/31/2018
1222.26 2590-0013 07/31/2018
1223.23 2590-0014 07/31/2018
1261.7 2590-0006 02/28/2021
1261.12 2590-0006 02/28/2021
1261.14 2590-0006 02/28/2021
1263.2 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.4 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.5 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.6 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.7 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.8 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.9 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.11 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.12 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.13 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.14 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.15 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.16 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.17 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.18 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.19 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.24 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.26 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1263.31 2590-0003 03/31/2020
1264.4 2590-0001 12/31/2018
1264.5 2590-0001 12/31/2018
1264.6 2590-0001 12/31/2018
1266.17 2590-0001 12/31/2018
1268.7 2590-0008 02/29/2016
1277.22 2590-0002 04/30/2020
1277.28 2590-0002 04/30/2020
1290.2 2590-0005 03/31/2020
1290.3 2590-0005 03/31/2020
1290.4 2590-0005 03/31/2020
1290.5 2590-0005 03/31/2020
1291.5 2590-0007 03/31/2020
1291.6 2590-0007 03/31/2020
1291.7 2590-0007 03/31/2020
1291.8 2590-0007 03/31/2020
1291.9 2590-0007 03/31/2020

[81 FR 76294, Nov. 2, 2016, as amended at 83 FR 39325, Aug. 9, 2018]

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