(a) Qualifying condition. The site shall be located such that present projected effects from nearby industrial, transportation, and military installations and operations, including atomic energy defense activities, (1) will not significantly affect repository siting, construction, operation, closure, or decommissioning or can be accommodated by engineering measures and (2), when considered together with emissions from repository operation and closure, will not be likely to lead to radionuclide releases to an unrestricted area greater than those allowable under the requirements specified in § 960.5-1(a)(1).
(b) Favorable condition. Absence of contributing radioactive releases from other nuclear installations and operations that must be considered under the requirements of 40 CFR 191, subpart A.
(c) Potentially adverse conditions.
(1) The presence of nearby potentially hazardous installations or operations that could adversely affect repository operation or closure.
(2) Presence of other nuclear installations and operations, subject to the requirements of 40 CFR part 190 or 40 CFR part 191, subpart A, with actual or projected releases near the maximum value permissible under those standards.
(d) Disqualifying condition. A site shall be disqualified if atomic energy defense activities in proximity to the site are expected to conflict irreconcilably with repository siting, construction, operation, closure, or decommissioning.