(a) Qualifying condition. The site shall be located such that expected meteorological conditions during repository operation and closure will not be likely to lead to radionuclide releases to an unrestricted area greater than those allowable under the requirements specified in § 960.5-1(a)(1).
(b) Favorable condition. Prevailing meteorological conditions such that any radioactive releases to the atmosphere during repository operation and closure would be effectively dispersed, thereby reducing significantly the likelihood of unacceptable exposure to any member of the public in the vicinity of the repository.
(c) Potentially adverse conditions.
(1) Prevailing meteorological conditions such that radioactive emissions from repository operation of closure could be preferentially transported toward localities in the vicinity of the repository with higher population densities than are the average for the region.
(2) History of extreme weather phenomena - such as hurricanes, tornadoes, severe floods, or severe and frequent winter storms - that could significantly affect repository operation or closure.