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§ 960.5-2-10 Hydrology.

(a) Qualifying condition. The site shall be located such that the geohydrologic setting of the site will

(1) be compatible with the activities required for repository construction, operation, and closure;

(2) not compromise the intended functions of the shaft liners and seals; and

(3) permit the requirements specified in § 960.5-1(a)(3) to be met.

(b) Favorable conditions.

(1) Absence of aquifers between the host rock and the land surface.

(2) Absence of surface-water systems that could potentially cause flooding of the repository.

(3) Availability of the water required for repository construction, operation, and closure.

(c) Potentially adverse condition. Ground-water conditions that could require complex engineering measures that are beyond reasonably available technology for repository construction, operation, and closure.

(d) Disqualifying condition. A site shall be disqualified if, based on expected ground-water conditions, it is likely that engineering measures that are beyond reasonably available technology will be required for exploratory-shaft construction or for repository construction, operation, or closure.

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