(a) Qualifying condition. The site shall be located such that, during repository operation and closure,
(1) the expected average radiation dose to members of the public within any highly populated area will not be likely to exceed a small fraction of the limits allowable under the requirements specified in § 960.5-1(a)(1), and
(2) the expected radiation dose to any member of the public in an unrestricted area will not be likely to exceed the limit allowable under the requirements specified in § 960.5-1(a)(1).
(b) Favorable conditions.
(1) A low population density in the general region of the site.
(2) Remoteness of site from highly populated areas.
(c) Potentially adverse conditions.
(1) High residential, seasonal, or daytime population density within the projected site boundaries.
(2) Proximity of the site to highly populated areas, or to areas having at least 1,000 individuals in an area 1 mile by 1 mile as defined by the most recent decennial count of the U.S. census.
(d) Disqualifying conditions. A site shall be disqualified if -
(1) Any surface facility of a repository would be located in a highly populated area; or
(2) Any surface facility of a repository would be located adjacent to an area 1 mile by 1 mile having a population of not less than 1,000 individuals as enumerated by the most recent U.S. census; or
(3) The DOE could not develop an emergency preparedness program which meets the requirements specified in DOE Order 5500.3 (Reactor and Non-Reactor Facility Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Response Program for Department of Energy Operations) and related guides or, when issued by the NRC, in 10 CFR part 60, subpart I, “Emergency Planning Criteria.”