Recommendation of sites for characterization.

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§ 960.3-2-3 Recommendation of sites for characterization.

After the nomination of at least five sites as suitable for site characterization for the selection of the first repository, the Secretary shall recommend in writing to the President not less than three candidate sites for such characterization. The recommendation decision shall be based on the available geophysical, geologic, geochemical, and hydrologic data; other information; associated evaluations and findings reported in the environmental assessments accompanying the nominations; and the considerations specified below, unless the Secretary certifies that such available data will not be adequate to satisfy applicable requirements of the Act in the absence of further preliminary borings or excavations. On the basis of the evidence and in accordance with the siting provision specifying the basis for site evaluations in § 960.3-1-5, the sites nominated as suitable for characterization shall be considered as to their order of preference as candidate sites for characterization. Subsequently, the siting provisions specifying diversity of geohydrologic settings, diversity of rock types, and, after the first repository, consideration of regionality in §§ 960.3-1-1, 960.3-1-2, and 960.3-1-3, respectively, shall be considered to determine a final order of preference for the characterization of such sites. Considering this order of preference together with the available siting alternatives specified in the Act, the sites recommended as candidate sites for characterization shall offer, on balance, the most advantageous combination of characteristics and conditions for the successful development of repositories at such sites. The process for the recommendation of sites as candidate sites for characterization for the selection of any subsequent repository shall be the same as that specified above for the first repository.

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