Site screening for potentially acceptable sites.

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§ 960.3-2-1 Site screening for potentially acceptable sites.

To identify potentially acceptable sites for the development of other than the first repository, the process shall begin with site-screening activities that consider large land masses that contain rock formations of suitable depth, thickness, and lateral extent and have structural, hydrologic, and tectonic features favorable for waste containment and isolation. Within those large land masses, subsequent site-screening activities shall focus on successively smaller and increasingly more suitable land units. This process shall be developed in consultation with the States that contain land units under consideration. It shall be implemented in a sequence of steps that first applies the applicable disqualifying conditions to eliminate land units on the basis of the evidence specified in § 960.3-1-4-1 and in accordance with the application requirements set forth in appendix III of this part. After the disqualifying conditions have been applied, the favorable and potentially adverse conditions, as identified for each remaining land unit, shall be evaluated. The presence of favorable conditions shall favor a given land unit, while the presence of potentially adverse conditions shall penalize that land unit. Recognizing that favorable conditions and potentially adverse conditions for different technical guidelines can exist in the same land unit, the DOE shall seek to evaluate the composite favorability of each land unit. Land units that, in the aggregrate, exhibit potentially adverse conditions shall be deferred in favor of land units that exhibit favorable conditions. The siting provisions that require diversity of geohydrologic settings and rock types and consideration of regionality, as specified in §§ 960.3-1-1, 960.3-1-2, and 960.3-1-3, respectively, may be used to discriminate between land units and to establish the range of options in site screening. To identify a site as potentially acceptable, the evidence shall support a finding that the site is not disqualified in accordance with the application requirements set forth in appendix III of this part and shall support the decision by the DOE to proceed the continued investigation of the site on the basis of the favorable and potentially adverse conditions identified to date. In continuation of the screening process after such identification and before site nomination, the DOE may defer from further consideration land units or potentially acceptable sites or portions thereof on the basis of additional information or by the application of the siting provisions for diversity of geohydrologic settings, diversity of rock types, and regionality (§§ 960.3-1-1, 960.3-1-2, and 960.3-1-3, respectively). The deferral of potentially acceptable sites will be described in the environmental assessments that accompany the nomination of at least five sites as suitable for characterization. In order to identify potentially acceptable sites for the second and subsequent repositories, the Secretary shall first identify the State within which the site is located in a decision-basis document that describes the process and the considerations that led to the identification of such site and that has been issued previously in draft for review and comment by such State. Second, when such document is final, the Secretary shall notify the Governor and the legislature of that State and the tribal council of any affected Indian tribe of the potentially acceptable site.

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