The following table may be used to determine eligibility for a permanent exemption based on oil and natural gas savings.
Average Annual Utilization of Oil and Natural Gas for Electricity Generation by State
[BTU's per KWHR sold]
State name | Oil/gas savings Btu/kWh |
Alabama | 33 |
Arizona | 802 |
Arkansas | 1,363 |
California | 3,502 |
Colorado | 289 |
Connecticut | 3,924 |
Delaware | 3,478 |
Washington, DC. | 895 |
Florida | 3,177 |
Georgia | 45 |
Idaho | 0 |
Illinois | 250 |
Indiana | 53 |
Iowa | 147 |
Kansas | 686 |
Kentucky | 34 |
Louisiana | 4,189 |
Maine | 2,560 |
Maryland | 895 |
Massachusetts | 5,250 |
Michigan | 256 |
Minnesota | 151 |
Mississippi | 1,519 |
Missouri | 57 |
Montana | 60 |
Nebraska | 139 |
Nevada | 761 |
New Hampshire | 2,695 |
New Jersey | 1,894 |
New Mexico | 1,528 |
New York | 4,219 |
North Carolina | 49 |
North Dakota | 47 |
Ohio | 36 |
Oklahoma | 5,180 |
Oregon | 0 |
Pennsylvania | 771 |
Rhode Island | 1,800 |
South Carolina | 24 |
South Dakota | 36 |
Tennessee | 20 |
Texas | 4,899 |
Utah | 107 |
Vermont | 105 |
Virginia | 460 |
Washington | 3 |
West Virginia | 126 |
Wisconsin | 72 |
Wyoming | 75 |
Data are based upon 1987 oil, natural gas and electricity statistics published by DOE's Energy Information Administration.
The proposed cogeneration project is to be located in Massachusetts and is to use distillate oil. It will have a capacity of 50 MW, an average annual heat rate of 7600 BTU/KWHR, and be operated at a capacity factor of 90%. The annual fuel consumption is therefore calculated to be 2,996 × 109 Btu/yr. (50,000 KW × 7600 BTU/KWHR × .9 × 8760 HR/YR) The oil and gas backed off the grid would be calculated to be .2070 × 109 BTU/YR. (50,000 KW × 5250 BTU/KWHR × .9 × 8760 HR/YR) since the proposed unit would consume more oil that would be “backed off” the grid, the unit would not be eligible for a permanent exemption based on savings of oil and natural gas.
[54 FR 52895, Dec. 22, 1989]