Waiver requirements.

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§ 490.803 Waiver requirements.

DOE grants a State or covered person a waiver:

(a) If DOE determines that the State or covered person will achieve a reduction in petroleum consumption, through eligible reductions as specified in § 490.804 of this subpart, equal to the amount of alternative fuel used if the following vehicles were operated 100 percent of the time on alternative fuel during the model year for which a waiver is requested:

(1) Previously required alternative fueled vehicles in the fleet's inventory at the start of the model year for which a waiver is requested;

(2) Alternative fueled vehicles that the State or covered person would have been required to acquire in the model year for which a waiver is requested, and in previous model years in which a waiver was granted, absent any waivers;

(b) The State or covered person is in compliance with all applicable vehicle emission standards established by the Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency under the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7401 et seq.); and

(c) The State or covered person is in compliance with all applicable requirements of this subpart.

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