(a) Right to file. Pursuant to 42 U.S.C. 7191 and 5 U.S.C. 553(e), any person may file a petition for generally applicable rulemaking under titles III, IV, and V of the Act with the DOE General Counsel.
(b) How to file. A petition for generally applicable rulemaking under this section shall be filed by mail or messenger in an envelope addressed to the Office of General Counsel, GC-1, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20585.
(c) Content of rulemaking petitions. A petition under this section must -
(1) Be labeled “Petition for Rulemaking Under 10 CFR Part 490”;
(2) Describe with particularity the terms of the rule being sought;
(3) Identify the provisions of law that direct, authorize, or affect the issuance of the rules being sought; and
(4) Explain why DOE should not choose to make policy by precedent through interpretive rulings, petitions for exemption, or other adjudications.
(d) Determination upon rulemaking petitions. After considering the petition and other information deemed to be appropriate, DOE may grant the petition and issue an appropriate rulemaking notice, or deny the petition because the rule being sought -
(1) Would be inconsistent with statutory law;
(2) Would establish a generally applicable policy in an area that should be left to case-by-case determinations;
(3) Would establish a policy inconsistent with the underlying statutory purposes; or
(4) For other good cause.