Requests for an interpretive ruling.

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§ 490.5 Requests for an interpretive ruling.

(a) Right to file. Any person who is or may be subject to this part shall have the right to file a request for an interpretive ruling on a question with regard to how the regulations apply to particular facts and circumstances.

(b) How to file. A request for an interpretive ruling shall be filed -

(1) With the Assistant Secretary;

(2) In an envelope labeled “Request for Interpretive Ruling under 10 CFR part 490;” and

(3) By messenger or mail at the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, EE-33, U.S. Department of Energy, 1000 Independence Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20585 or at such other address as DOE may provide by notice in the Federal Register.

(c) Content of request for interpretive ruling. At a minimum, a request under this section shall -

(1) Be in writing;

(2) Be labeled “Request for Interpretive Ruling Under 10 CFR Part 490;”

(3) Identify the name, address, telephone number, and any designated representative of the person requesting the interpretive ruling;

(4) State the facts and circumstances relevant to the request;

(5) Be accompanied by copies of relevant supporting documents, if any;

(6) Specifically identify the pertinent regulations and the related question on which an interpretive ruling is sought with regard to the relevant facts and circumstances; and

(7) Contain any arguments in support of the terms of an interpretation the requester is seeking.

(d) Public comment. DOE may give public notice of any request for an interpretive ruling and invite public comment.

(e) Opportunity to respond to public comment. DOE may provide an opportunity for any person who requested an interpretive ruling to respond to public comments.

(f) Other sources of information. DOE may -

(1) Conduct an investigation of any statement in a request;

(2) Consider any other source of information in evaluating a request for an interpretive ruling; and

(3) Rely on previously issued interpretive rulings dealing with the same or a related issue.

(g) Informal conference. DOE, on its own initiative, may convene an informal conference with the person requesting an interpretive ruling.

(h) Effect of an interpretive ruling. The authority of an interpretive ruling shall be limited to the person requesting such ruling and shall depend on the accuracy and completeness of the facts and circumstances on which the interpretive ruling is based. An interpretive ruling by the Assistant Secretary shall be final for DOE.

(i) Reliance on an interpretive ruling. No person who obtains an interpretive ruling under this section shall be subject to an enforcement action for civil penalties or criminal fines for actions reasonably taken in reliance thereon, but a person may not act in reliance on an interpretive ruling that is administratively rescinded or modified, judicially invalidated, or its prospective effect is overruled by statute or regulation.

(j) Denials of requests for an interpretive ruling. DOE shall deny a request for an interpretive ruling if DOE determines that -

(1) There is insufficient information upon which to base an interpretive ruling;

(2) The questions posed should be treated in a general notice of proposed rulemaking under 42 U.S.C. 7191 and 5 U.S.C. 553;

(3) There is an adequate procedure elsewhere in this part for addressing the question posed such as a petition for exemption; or

(4) For other good cause.

(k) Public file. DOE may file a copy of an interpretive ruling in a public file labeled “Interpretive Rulings Under 10 CFR Part 490” which shall be available during normal business hours for public inspection at the DOE Freedom of Information Reading Room at 1000 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20585, or at such other addresses as DOE may announce in a Federal Register notice.

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