Submission and approval of State Plans and State Plan amendments.

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§ 455.21 Submission and approval of State Plans and State Plan amendments.

(a) Proposed State Plans or Plan amendments necessitated by a change in regulations shall be submitted to DOE within 90 days of the effective date of this subpart or any amended regulations. Upon request by a State, and for good cause shown, DOE may grant an extension of time.

(b) The Support Office Director shall, within 60 days of receipt of a proposed State Plan, review each plan and, if it is reasonable and found to conform to the requirements of this part, approve the State Plan. If the Support Office Director does not disapprove a State Plan within the 60-day period, the State Plan will be deemed to have been approved.

(c) If the Support Office Director determines that a proposed State Plan fails to comply with the requirements of this part or is not reasonable, DOE shall return the plan to the State with a statement setting forth the reasons for disapproval.

(d) Except for State Plan amendments covered by paragraph (a) of this section, if a State wishes to deviate from its approved State Plan, the State must submit and obtain DOE approval of the State Plan amendment.

(e) The Support Office Director shall, within 60 days or less of receipt of a proposed State Plan amendment review each amendment and, if it is found to conform to the requirements of this part, approve the amendment. If the Support Office Director determines that a proposed State Plan amendment fails to comply with the requirements of this part, or is not reasonable, DOE shall return the amendment to the State with a statement setting forth the reasons for disapproval.

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