Applicant certifications for State grants for technical assistance, program assistance, and marketing.

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§ 455.122 Applicant certifications for State grants for technical assistance, program assistance, and marketing.

Applications from States for financial assistance for technical assistance programs, program assistance, and marketing shall include certifications that the State:

(a) Has established a program or programs to fund, from non-Federal sources, energy conservation measures for eligible buildings consistent with this part;

(b) Will not expend, for technical assistance, program assistance, and marketing, more than 15 percent of the aggregate amount of Federal and non-Federal funds legally obligated or committed to eligible recipients in the State to provide technical assistance, program assistance, marketing programs, implement energy conservation measures consistent with this part, and otherwise carry out a program pursuant to this part for the fiscal year concerned; and

(c) Has provided for regular DOE-funded grants to eligible religiously affiliated institutions if the State has a State constitutional or other legal prohibition on providing State assistance to such institutions and if such institutions would be ineligible to apply for the non-Federally funded energy conservation measures or State-funded technical assistance.

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