Applicant certifications for technical assistance and energy conservation measure grants to institutions and coordinating agencies.

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§ 455.111 Applicant certifications for technical assistance and energy conservation measure grants to institutions and coordinating agencies.

Applications for financial assistance for technical assistance programs and energy conservation measures, including renewable resource measures, shall include certification that the applicant:

(a) Is eligible under § 455.61 for technical assistance or § 455.71 for energy conservation measures;

(b) Has satisfied the requirements set forth in § 455.110;

(c) For applications for technical assistance, has implemented all energy conservation maintenance and operating procedures recommended in the energy audit pursuant to § 455.20(k), if done, and for applications for energy conservation measures, those recommended in the report obtained under a technical assistance program pursuant to § 455.62. If any such procedure has not been implemented, the application shall contain a satisfactory written justification consistent with the State plan for not implementing that procedure;

(d) Will obtain from the technical assistance analyst, before the analyst performs any work in connection with a technical assistance program or energy conservation measure, a signed statement certifying that the technical assistance analyst has no conflicting financial interest and is otherwise qualified to perform the duties of technical assistance analyst in accordance with the standards and criteria established in the approved State Plan;

(e) When using borrowed funds for the non-Federal share of an energy conservation project where a lien is placed by the lender on equipment funded under the grant, will obtain clauses in the financing contract:

(1) Stating the percent of DOE interest in the equipment (i.e., the percent of the total cost provided by the grant); and

(2) Requiring lender notification, with certified return receipt requested, to the applicable Support Office Director of the filing of a lawsuit seeking a remedy for a default; and

(f) Will comply with all reporting requirements contained in § 455.113.

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