(a) General pumps. For the pumps described in § 431.464(a), the following requirements apply to units manufactured on the same date that compliance is required with any applicable standards prescribed in § 431.465.
(1) Pump nameplate -
(i) Required information. The permanent nameplate must be marked clearly with the following information:
(A) For bare pumps and pumps sold with electric motors but not continuous or non-continuous controls, the rated pump energy index - constant load (PEICL), and for pumps sold with motors and continuous or non-continuous controls, the rated pump energy index - variable load (PEIVL);
(B) The bare pump model number; and
(C) If transferred directly to an end-user, the unit's impeller diameter, as distributed in commerce. Otherwise, a space must be provided for the impeller diameter to be filled in.
(ii) Display of required information. All orientation, spacing, type sizes, typefaces, and line widths to display this required information must be the same as or similar to the display of the other performance data on the pump's permanent nameplate. The PEICL or PEIVL, as appropriate to a given pump model, must be identified in the form “PEICL ____” or “PEIVL ____.” The model number must be in one of the following forms: “Model ____” or “Model number ____” or “Model No. ____.” The unit's impeller diameter must be in the form “Imp. Dia. ____(in.).”
(2) Disclosure of efficiency information in marketing materials.
(i) The same information that must appear on a pump's permanent nameplate pursuant to paragraph (a)(1)(i) of this section, must also be prominently displayed:
(A) On each page of a catalog that lists the pump; and
(B) In other materials used to market the pump.
(ii) [Reserved]
(b) Dedicated-purpose pool pumps. For the pumps described in § 431.464(b), the following requirements apply on the same date that compliance is required with any applicable standards prescribed in § 431.465.
(1) Pump nameplate -
(i) Required information. The permanent nameplate must be marked clearly with the following information:
(A) The weighted energy factor (WEF); and
(B) The dedicated-purpose pool pump motor total horsepower.
(ii) Display of required information. All orientation, spacing, type sizes, typefaces, and line widths to display this required information must be the same as or similar to the display of the other performance data on the pump's permanent nameplate.
(A) The WEF must be identified in the form “WEF ____.”
(B) The dedicated-purpose pool pump motor total horsepower must be identified in one of the following forms: “Dedicated-purpose pool pump motor total horsepower _____,” “DPPP motor total horsepower _____,” “motor total horsepower _____,” “motor THP _____,” or “THP _____.”
(2) [Reserved]
[82 FR 36923, Aug. 7, 2017]