Energy conservation standards and their effective dates.

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§ 431.110 Energy conservation standards and their effective dates.

(a) Each commercial storage water heater, instantaneous water heater, unfired hot water storage tank and hot water supply boiler (excluding residential-duty commercial water heaters) must meet the applicable energy conservation standard level(s) as specified in the table in this paragraph. Any packaged boiler that provides service water that meets the definition of “commercial packaged boiler” in subpart E of this part, but does not meet the definition of “hot water supply boiler” in subpart G, must meet the requirements that apply to it under subpart E.

Equipment category Size Energy conservation standarda
Maximum standby lossc (equipment manufactured on and after October 29, 2003)b Minimum thermal efficiency (equipment manufactured on and after October 29, 2003 and
before October 9, 2015)b
Minimum thermal efficiency (equipment manufactured on and after October 9, 2015)b
Electric storage water heaters All 0.30 + 27/Vm (%/hr) N/A N/A
Gas-fired storage water heaters ≤155,000 Btu/hr Q/800 + 110(Vr)12 (Btu/hr) 80 80
>155,000 Btu/hr Q/800 + 110(Vr)12 (Btu/hr) 80 80
Oil-fired storage water heaters ≤155,000 Btu/hr Q/800 + 110(Vr)12 (Btu/hr) 78 80
>155,000 Btu/hr Q/800 + 110(Vr)12 (Btu/hr) 78 80
Gas-fired instantaneous water heaters and hot water supply boilers <10 gal
≥10 gal
Q/800 + 110(Vr)12 (Btu/hr)
Oil-fired instantaneous water heaters and hot water supply boilers <10 gal
≥10 gal
Q/800 + 110(Vr)12 (Btu/hr)
Equipment category Size Minimum thermal insulation
Unfired hot water storage tank All R-12.5

(b) Each residential-duty commercial water heater must meet the applicable energy conservation standard level(s) as follows:

Product class Specificationsa Draw pattern Uniform energy factorb
Gas-fired Storage >75 kBtu/hr and ≤105 kBtu/hr and ≤120 gal Very Small
0.2674 − (0.0009 × Vr)
0.5362 − (0.0012 × Vr)
Medium 0.6002 − (0.0011 × Vr)
High 0.6597 − (0.0009 × Vr)
Oil-fired Storage >105 kBtu/hr and ≤140 kBtu/hr and ≤120 gal Very Small
0.2932 − (0.0015 × Vr)
0.5596 − (0.0018 × Vr)
Medium 0.6194 − (0.0016 × Vr)
High 0.6740 − (0.0013 × Vr)
Electric Instantaneous >12 kW and ≤58.6 kW and ≤2 gal Very Small 0.80
Low 0.80
Medium 0.80
High 0.80

[81 FR 96238, Dec. 29, 2016]

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