Full-inspection servicing for teletherapy and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units.

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§ 35.655 Full-inspection servicing for teletherapy and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery units.

(a) A licensee shall have each teletherapy unit and gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit fully inspected and serviced during each source replacement to assure proper functioning of the source exposure mechanism and other safety components. The interval between each full-inspection servicing shall not exceed 5 years for each teletherapy unit and shall not exceed 7 years for each gamma stereotactic radiosurgery unit.

(b) This inspection and servicing may only be performed by persons specifically licensed to do so by the Commission or an Agreement State.

(c) A licensee shall keep a record of the inspection and servicing in accordance with § 35.2655.

[67 FR 20370, Apr. 24, 2002, as amended at 83 FR 33110, July 16, 2018]

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