Unclassified statements required.

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§ 110.125 Unclassified statements required.

(a) It is the obligation of hearing participants to introduce information in unclassified form wherever possible, and to declassify, to the maximum extent feasible, any classified information introduced into the hearing. This obligation rests on each participant whether or not any other participant has the required security clearances.

(b) When classified information is offered for introduction into a hearing:

(1) The participant offering it shall, to the extent consistent with classification requirements, submit to the presiding officer and other participants an unclassified statement describing the substance of the classified information as accurately and completely as possible;

(2) In accordance with procedures agreed upon by the participants or prescribed by the presiding officer, and after notice to all participants and opportunity to be heard on the notice, the presiding officer will determine whether an unclassified statement may be substituted for the classified information in the hearing record without prejudice to the interest of any participant or the public;

(3) If the Commission determines that the unclassified statement (together with such unclassified modifications as it finds are necessary or appropriate to protect the interest of other participants and the public) adequately sets forth information in the classified matter which is relevant and material to the issues in the hearing, it will direct that the classified matter be excluded from the record of the hearing; and

(4) The Commission may postpone any of the procedures in this section until all other evidence has been received. However, a participant shall not postpone service of any unclassified statement required in this section.

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